RPF Parixani Answer key Declared

RPF Parixani Answer key Declared
Employment Notice No. Constable/RPF – 01/2018
(Recruitment of Constable in Railway Protection Force and Railway Protection
Special Force in Level 3 of 7th CPC Pay matrix with initial pay of Rs 21,700/- and
Date of Opening of Online registration: 10 hrs on 01/06/2018
Date of Closing of Online registration: 23.59 hrs on 30/06/2018
Tentative Date for Computer Based Test (CBT): In September and October 2018.
ONLINE applications are invited from eligible Male and Female candidates for the
recruitment of Constable in Level 3 of 7
th CPC Pay matrix for the vacancies in Railway
Protection Force (RPF) of various Zones of Indian Railways and Railway Protection
Special Force (RPSF). Applications complete in all respect should be submitted ONLINE
ONLY before 23.59 hrs of 30/06/2018.
Candidates should ensure that they possess/fulfil all eligibility conditions
prescribed for the post as on the closing date for submitting applications. CANDIDATES
I) A) Applications are to be submitted ONLINE through Indian Railway websites
ONLY. No other mode for submission of application shall be allowed. Each
candidate shall fill ONLY one application. Any attempt to submit more than one
application by a candidate against this notification shall result in disqualification
and debarment.
B) The Female candidates who have earlier applied in response to
NOTIFICATION NO. 01/2016 issued by South Central Railway need not
apply afresh. Their applications will be linked with the current recruitment.
However, they have to fill the remaining required details like option of Group of
Zones or RPSF and give their preference for individual Zones within the Group
of Zones opted by clicking on the separate link provided in the portal. They have
to pay examination fee of Rs 250/- which shall be refunded duly deducting Bank
charges on appearing in CBT.
II) Eligibility of the candidates will be considered only on the strength of the
information furnished in the ONLINE application. Candidates need NOT send
printouts of application or Certificates or copies to Central Recruitment
Committee (CRC) by posts. If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is
found that any information furnished by the candidate in his/her application is
false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the
candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post, his/her candidatures
will be rejected forthwith.
III) Candidates can apply against the vacancy of either a Group of Zonal Railway or
RPSF. Within a Group of Zonal Railways also they shall be required to give their
preference for individual Zones. The candidate will be considered against
vacancies of that Group only and allocated a Zonal Railway based on merit and
preference. Candidates shall serve normally in the Zone/RPSF allotted to

Group E
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